Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tip #3 Keep sludge at bay

Sludge- it's why we change our oil regularly. But what is it exactly and where does it come from?
When we drive, our engines are exposed to several contaminants which come from the air and the engine's own friction. Most modern oils contain detergent additives which keep these small particles from attaching to critical engine parts - but oil can only ward off so many engine-damaging intruders. Once the level of oil contamination becomes too high, sludge begins to form.
The first way to prevent sludge is obvious: change your oil regularly. Follow the interval specified in your owner's manual or ask your mechanic. Also, oil should be kept topped up full. Running an engine with an oil level just one quart lower than normal can increase the viscosity (thickness) of the oil by 1000% which can encourage the formation on sludge.


  1. Hi Bob,

    Like the blog, good information that can be used. Wondering, how much difference does an oil additive make? I like adding a quart of Rislone at each oil change.
    Mike Moore

  2. Some people swear by oil additives but it is aweful hard to tell if they really do any good. I guess if the product you are useing is backed by some sceintific data it sure couldn't hurt however nothing beats being consistant with regular oil changes.

  3. That's something to think about.
